Through Gear, Books, Fitness, & your Kitchen, here you will discover many ways in which to enrich your daily life through tested products and literature. There will also be some original literature for general entertainment purposes provided. The internet is filled with blogs and gear review sites, and as a result you will encounter something different here. Instead of your regular reviews in terms of gear, you will get a comprehensive overview of how it performs in real-world conditions, and with a given test period at least two weeks.

The book reviews will offer no spoilers and will help aid you in your decision as to whether the title is worth your precious investment in time. On the rare occasions where there is a negative book review, these are more of a warning and offer examples and lessons of what to be vary of when reading such titles.

Furthermore, even though there is a blog section, this website is not structured like a typical blog as a result. Treat the menus as a table of contents and browse at your own pace.