Unlike the articles found in the other sections on this website, you will find less formal pieces here. Their level of editing is not up to the level of those found in different sections, and the majority of them are written in between appointments throughout the day. 

Lessons from the Heat Dome

Lessons in Quintessence and that of Your Tools

The Black Art of Leveraging Suffering and When Abandonment is Justified


The Guilt of Indulging in Normalcy

Abrupt Moorings

An Ode to the Quiet Ones

On Christmas


The Sobering Effect of Bad Company: A warning for the unmarried

Our Secretly Shared Personal Battles

An Ode to the Silver Dial & a Dedication to Mathieu

On the Plague that is Book Banning

On Redundancy


Welcome, You Are Loved


One Year Since the Renewed Invasion of Ukraine: The Dismay of Witnessing Indifference


Ode to the Hotel – July 2nd, 2022


Vanessa Collier at the Chautauqua Suites in Upstate New York – July 1st, 2022


The Privilege of Choosing to Be Distraught – June 25th, 2022


Ode to the Novel – June 24th, 2022


Managing Expectations When Considering Matters of Inertia in Journalism – June 21st, 2022

Humanity and Being Humane – June 20th, 2022


The Accumulation of Woes – June 17th, 2022


Ode to the Camera – June 16th, 2022


Uncontaminated Enthusiasm – June 15th, 2022


A Necessary Change: An Introduction to this Blog – June 11th, 2022